The Leadership of the Greater Faith Church of Deliverance is committed to ministering effectively with the opportunities and resources entrusted to us. Our leadership is devoted to helping our church members to grow in their faith and to build meaningful relationships within our church. We strive to equip and empower our members to use their gifts and talents to serve others in our community and beyond. We believe that by working together, we can be a beacon of light and hope for all. We are committed to creating an atmosphere of love that encourages spiritual growth and transformation. We value putting God at the center of all that we do. We put His glory and His honor first, asking in every decision, "Will this bring the greatest glory and praise to our God? With these goals in mind, we have sought to clarify our vision, mission, values and future direction. All of this is done, constantly relying on the Spirit of God through prayer to lead our thinking... Jesus said, "I will build my Church..." (Matt 16:18), and as a leadership we have faith in that promise and looking to be faithful in our role as church leaders.