To bring every race, culture and creed together throughout this community and throughout the world, admonishing them and serving their needs according to His commandments and the love of Jesus Christ.
GROW in our relationship with God while encouraging and supporting the continual growth of individuals and our church.
SERVE our wider community while actively responding to People's needs at every level: spiritual, emotional, social and physical.
COMMUNICATE the message of Jesus while presenting the gospel to talk to Him.
BUILD the Church community by sustaining each person involved in our church through relationships, resource our church through leadership development.
Biblically Based
Spirit Led
Community Focused
Family oriented
The Leadership of the Greater Faith Church of Deliverance is committed to ministering effectively with the opportunities and resources entrusted to us. With this goal in mind, we have sought to clarify our vision, mission, values and future direction.
All of this is done, constantly relying on the Spirit of God through prayer to lead our thinking... Jesus said, "I will build my Church..." (Matt 16:18), and as a leadership we have faith in that promise and looking to be faithful on our role as church leaders.
We value putting God at the center of all that we do. We put His glory and His honor first, asking in every decision, "Will this bring the greatest glory and praise to our God?